
Speak Up As A Sponsor

The most precious gift you can give a vulnerable child is the gift of sponsorship and relationship with your family. Each penny that you donate will be distributed among all children evenly who are currently at the home of the child you choose. We hope that you will not only build a close relationship with your child, but become invested in the entire ministry and efforts as you see God work in and through you.

Sponsors commit to pray, write, and support.

  • Commit to pray for the child or family you choose.
  • Commit to write, send pictures to your child/family. The relationship that you build will instill in them the gifts of love, trust, and hope. Your words and interactions mean more than you know.
  • Commit to support your child/family by donating the sponsorship fees as your agreement states.

The monthly child sponsorship program is designed to first build Godly relationship between an individual child and their sponsor family. We have seen children’s and sponsors lives changed because of these relationships. Your monthly gift provides nutrition, schooling, a safe home, and medical care. Most importantly it provides a spiritual foundation as your child is provided with Bible stories and worship songs at their home and an opportunity to attend a local Body Of Christ.

We currently offer 6 sponsorship programs.

To begin sponsorship, visit the albums below to see who is currently in need of sponsorship. Then email Courtney with the name you’ve chosen to begin the process!

sponsor at Ebenezer home $55 monthly

sponsor at Ebenezer school $12 monthly

sponsor at Ebenezer school $22 monthly

sponsor at Shiloh Horizons family program $110/$55 monthly

sponsor at Shiloh Horizons empower women $50/$25 monthly

sponsor at Haven of Hope $55 monthly

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